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Meet Jessica, the creative mind behind @vanillacooldance. She’s a cartoonist who boldly addresses taboo topics, inspiring others to embrace their authentic selves. Jessica’s journey from insecurity to empowerment is as colorful as her art. In this interview, she shares her thoughts on Vanillacooldance, breaking societal taboos, and her plans for the future.

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Once you’ve seen your work on the streets of Amsterdam, it’s hard to miss it – haha. What was the inspiration behind Vanillacooldance?
Well, thank you – haha. Vanillacooldance started as my personal doodle diary during a challenging time in my life. I was unemployed and heartbroken, living in a small flat in Amsterdam. To cope with my situation, I decided to draw every day for a year, turning my cringy and embarrassing moments into humorous and empowering stories. At some point I wanted to bring my art to the world so I started to display some of my doodles outside of my apartment. One of the most notorious cartoons was a street art piece I created for King’s Day. It featured an illustration of a king going down on a queen with the message, “A true king knows who comes first,” and a sash that said, “Close the orgasm gap.” I printed out life-sized cutouts and posted them all over Amsterdam. It was provocative and sparked a lot of conversations. That’s when I knew Vanillacooldance had the power to make an important difference. It became my life’s purpose.
How do you think an illustration like that will help to close the orgasm gap? 
I mean – no guy is going to walk past that with his girlfriend and not take the hint. I had people messaging me saying things like, “Everyone needs this poster outside their house. It was up for six months outside mine, and every time before I brought a guy home, I would point to it and honestly: I’ve never had more orgasms or pleasure in my life.” Isn’t it beautiful how a cartoon can open up conversations around female pleasure? 
Your work often addresses taboo topics. What do you think about society’s relationship with taboos?
I think we still live in a culture where people don’t know how to talk about things that embarrass them. There’s a lot of silence around these topics, which breeds even more shame. It’s like a vicious cycle. By not communicating about our shared embarrassments, they grow bigger in our heads. That’s why it’s so important to break these taboos and have open conversations. It helps us realize that we’re not alone and that our feelings and experiences are valid.
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Did you experience that yourself, being embarrassed?
Growing up, I was very insecure. I had a lazy eye and was often picked on, which made me do everything I could to fit in. Later, I worked in advertising in New York, and although I enjoyed parts of it, like traveling and working with great people, I often felt like I was just trying to fit into a mold. Moving to Amsterdam and being unemployed for a year and a half was tough, but it was also a time of self-discovery. Backpacking in Southeast Asia and experiencing different cultures helped me realize there’s more to life than just following a set path. It was liberating to step off the treadmill of American life and explore my own path. I started to like myself more and more. Now I want to live my life shamelessly and share that with the world through Vanillacooldance. 
How did you choose the word “shameless” for your mission?
I was working on a newsletter for Vanillacooldance and trying to find a theme that encapsulated all my work. I wanted something catchy and powerful. “Shameless” just clicked because it has this rebellious energy. It’s like saying, “fuck you” to anyone who tries to impose their projections on you. It’s about reclaiming power and refusing to be silenced. I believe we are all born without shame, full of vibrancy, creativity, and energy. Living shamelessly is about breaking the taboos that hold us back and realizing that we are all normal.
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Living shamelessly is a bold statement. How do you embody this in your own life?
Hmmm – that’s a good question. For me, living shamelessly means showing up authentically and vulnerably. It’s about being confident in who I am and the choices I make, whether that’s in my relationships, my career, or my personal life. It’s also about being able to talk candidly about my insecurities and not being afraid of others’ reactions. I strive to be the author of my own life, carving out the path I want to live, and not just being a bystander. It’s not always easy, and I still have moments of doubt and fear, but I remind myself that my journey is my own, and I’m proud of it.
Has VanillaCoolDance always been about empowerment?
When I first started Vanillacooldance, my art was more focused on self-deprecating humor. As I grew more comfortable with myself and my voice, my art began to evolve. I started to explore topics like female sexuality, relationships, and personal empowerment more deeply. My cartoons have become more anthemic and empowering. They encourage people to embrace their sexuality and vocalize their needs. This evolution reflects my own journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and it’s been incredibly rewarding to see how my work resonates with others.
“I believe we are all born without shame, full of vibrancy, creativity, and energy. Living shamelessly is about breaking the taboos that hold us back and realizing that we are all normal.”
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And how is that going so far? 
The community aspect of Vanillacooldance has been incredibly rewarding. I receive messages from people who say that my cartoons have helped them start important conversations or see themselves in a new light. Some even refer to it as "VCD energy" – a term that describes the empowerment and confidence they feel from engaging with my work. It’s amazing to see how my art can have such a positive impact on others' lives. I want anyone who engages with my work to feel empowered and confident, knowing they’re not alone and that their feelings and experiences are valid. Creating a community where people can have open conversations and support each other is incredibly important to me. The messages I get from people saying how my cartoons have helped them talk to their partners or reflect on their own behavior mean the world to me. That’s the kind of impact I hope to continue making.
Do you face challenges with social media censorship, particularly regarding content about female sexuality?
Yes, definitely. Social media platforms like Instagram often censor content about female sexuality, which is incredibly frustrating. I’ve had to deal with shadow bans and content removals, even though I’m just trying to have open and honest conversations about important topics. This double standard is why I’m moving some of my content to Substack, where I can share longer-form content without the same level of censorship. It’s important for me to create a space where these conversations can happen freely.
What are your plans for the future with Vanillacooldance?
I want to continue creating a safe space for shameless conversations. My goal is to empower people to explore themselves, vocalize their needs, and feel confident in who they are. I’m excited about expanding my platform, and come together offline more frequently. I want Vanillacooldance to be a place where people feel inspired and connected, whether they’re curious about their sexuality, relationships, or just carving their own path in life.
Text: Janna Nieuwenhuijzen
Make-up: Andreeaticarau
Studio: Parq Studios
Links: Vanillacooldance